Welcome to Nordic Natural Beauty

With a passion for beauty, sustainability, animals and nature, we look for the finest natural beauty brands and distribute on the Nordic market.

Our vision is to be the Nordic region's most interesting department store for natural beauty

Quality is always in focus
Performance and effect, feel and scents, durable stylish packaging, ethical brands are important to us. We test, smell, skim ingredient lists, go through production processes and transport, talk to the founders of the brand - all to find the brands, companies and people who have the same values ​​as us. Where beauty and sustainability go hand in hand.

Lots of talking
Hand on heart, there are many people who talk about sustainability and throw around words like clean beauty, natural, vegan-friendly, etc. But if you look closer, there are many who just want to keep up with the green trend. We say no to many more brands than we say yes to. Of course, it requires great integrity, but we believe that it pays off in the long run.

Business should be fun
Building a business often involves a lot of hard work and late nights. But it also means the privilege of working with what you believe in. But it is the people we meet on the road who are the most important. Business should be fun and we love building collaborations with customers, parties and people in the industry!

our brands
When we build our portfolio of brands, each one should contribute something unique and they should not compete with each other. Everyone should have their place to grow. Our carefully selected brands are Inika Organic, Eco by Sonya, Moonsun Organic of Sweden, Jimmy Boyd, Inlight Beauty, Sol de Ibiza and MaterNatura. You can find these at our fine retailers, which include salons, health stores, pharmacies, hotels and online stores.
Of course you can shop here from us.

Our mission is for more people to discover the benefits of natural, organic, vegan and sustainable beauty. Choosing quality over quantity, and finding an effective beauty routine that not only feels good on the skin, but also feels good in the stomach. Wear and tear is over, thoughtful and conscious consumption is the only thing that matters. Simply living life a little more sustainably!

We are building a slightly more adjusted and sustainable beauty industry!
Welcome to Nordic Natural Beauty